Build a BioImaging Network in Canada​
Bioimaging scientific platforms – imaging scientists, managers, directors
Bioimaging technology companies – build relationships, shape technology development and implementation
BioImaging networks, courses, workshops and meetingsLink with national and international
e.g. Global BioImaging (GBI), BioImaging North America (BINA)
Educate the Bioimaging Community
Coordinate offerings of courses and workshops across the country
Job shadow training in technology and scientific platform management
Share best practices, promote courses and workshops, coordinate educational initiatives
Connect imaging scientists to necessary expertise (i.e. imaging platforms and experts in the field)
Develop national recommendations for quality management, best practices, standards, data management
Provide recommendations to institutions for career paths for imaging scientists

Form a Technology Node under the Canadian Network for Scientific Platforms (CNSP) Umbrella
Provide information relevant to the CNSP mandate that is important for the Canadian BioImaging community